Online Training > ProEngineer WildFire

Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire Basic Modeling

This course is designed to introduce users to part modeling in Wildfire 5.0. Users will learn the basics of sketching and modeling features. Upon completion of this course, you’ll be ready to start creating your own part models.

Key topics include: sketcher, sketch creation, sketch geometry, delete segment, mirror, scale, rotate, constraints, sketch dimensions, revolve sketch, datum plane, datum axis, datum point, datum coordinate system, holes, rounds, chamfer, draft, shell, annotation features, pattern, paste feature, sweep, swept protrusions, swept cut, blend features, rotational blend, and parallel blend.

Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire User Interface

This course is intended to get you up and running in Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 5.0. In addition to providing an overview of the application’s interface, User Interface focuses on primary functions within Pro/E. Once you have completed this course, you’ll have a basic understanding of how to navigate around Wildfire 5.0.

Key topics include: navigation, file types, model tree, filters, collectors, object templates, erase, delete, save, view menu, model display options, model view, hide, unhide, view manager, colors, display settings, edit menu, insert menu, analysis measure, analysis model, model information, feature information, parent/child information, relationships, parameters, model player, configuration files, options dialog, window menu, and help menu.

Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire Advanced Topics

This course is intended for new users who are learning Wildfire 5.0. Best Practices includes techniques designed to save users time, providing methods that typically take hours of hands-on practice to learn. Taking this course will increase your knowledge and improve your productivity.

Key topics include: mapkeys, mirror sketch entities, Sketcher Palette Library, negative shell, relations, translating data, analysis measurement, helix, helical solid, auxiliary views, drafting table, search paths, move component, and repeat component.