Online Training > AutoCAD

AutoCAD - Essentials

The AutoCAD - Essentials online training course will teach new users on how to effectively get started with AutoCAD. After completing this course, you will be able to navigate the interface and perform basic commands, create basic drawings, manipulate objects, organize drawings and inquiry commands, alter objects, work with layouts, annotate drawings, work with dimensioning, hatching objects, work with reusable content, create additional drawings objects, plot your drawings, and create drawing templates. This course is also good for experienced users to freshen up on their AutoCAD skills plus used in our Tata Technologies classroom sessions and used to prepare students for the AutoCAD certifications.

Manipulating Objects - Using Modify Commands

Once you have learned how to create objects in a drawing you then need to understand how to move, change, manipulate them. This course will teach you how manipulating objects by moving, copying, and mirror existing geometry. You'll also learn how to pattern and change the size of object geometry.

Layers Concept

In this course you will learn how to organize objects in a drawing and how to use layers and line types to enhance your design practice. Every object that you create in a drawing has associated properties and by using the properties tools you can manipulate those properties. Finally you learn how linetypes are used to distinguish objects in the drawing from one another.

Working with Layouts

Your drawings can contain a lot of different information. Layouts and Viewports help you to structure and focus your design and its supporting information for the final step of communicating it to others.

Annotating and Dimensioning Drawings

No drawing is complete without some kind of text to annotate the design. In this course, you learn to create and edit text objects. You also learn how to edit and scale text so that it appears consistently in your drawing and drawing layouts.

Hatch Concept in Detail

You can use Hatch Patterns and Gradient Fills on the drawing to bring focus or call attention to certain areas. Once you have created hatch patterns and fills, you can edit those using similar methods.

Working with Blocks, DesignCenter and Tool Palettes

In some cases, you need to define a number of individual objects as a single object for greater ease of use. That single object is referred to as a Block. Once you have grouped objects together into a Block, you can reuse that data in other locations in the same drawing or in other drawings. In addition to blocks, there are other types of information that you can reformat and reuse in your drawing files. DesignCenter is used to drag specific content, or even an entire drawing, from one drawing file into another. You can also use Tool palettes to organize and share data such as blocks, hatches, and even commands.

Plotting and Printing Drawings

This course will detail the specific requirements for plotting and printing drawing files from AutoCAD.

AutoCAD - Create Reusable Content

This course is designed for the experienced AutoCAD user who requires additional training. It incorporates the features, commands, and techniques for becoming more productive by using the Design Center, Tool Palettes, and getting familiar with Action Macros, External References, as well as working with Non-Native files types and Creating Drawing Templates.

Using & Creating Drawing Templates

Most companies have some kind of standard or guidelines for their drawings to ensure a consistent look and functionality. You can create Drawing Templates to store these standards or guidelines in the form of drawing properties and other settings. When you use the templates to create new drawings, you ensure consistency with these standards.

AutoCAD - Blocks, Attributes, and Dynamic Blocks

This course is designed for the experienced AutoCAD user who requires additional training. It incorporates the features, commands, and techniques for becoming more productive when creating Blocks, Attributed Blocks, and Dynamic Blocks

AutoCAD - 2D Parametric Design

After completing the AutoCAD - 2D Parametric online training course, you will learn how to effectively use the 2D parametric design, 2D constraint-based dynamic blocks and additional enchancements for AutoCAD. Some of topics you will learn are parametric design methods to create and mantain geometric and dimensional relationships, how to increase your productivity and enforce design intent, use geometric and dimensional constraints within a dynamic block, create a block properties table and test your dynamic blocks in the editor.